January 2018


The Watchtower and Berwick were delighted to welcome back much-loved Adrian Cox and his new group. They gave us two hours of solid entertainment, wonderful music and a splendid commentary about the background to the choice of numbers.  


And here they are the following morning, bright and shining, promising to come back next year!


What a joy to see Phil Bailey restored to health and playing like the old days



An exhibition of work by Ian Stephenson has been prepared in the south of England at Roche Court near Salisbury. This beautiful venue is surrounded by countryside with many important sculptures spread around the grounds as well as various spaces for the display of two dimensional work.   

After the official Opening on 17 February the exhibition ran until 29 April 2018

Some of you will enjoy looking at Ian’s website www.ianstephenson.net as well as the gallery site www.sculpture.uk.com especially if you are intending to visit the New Art Centre to see the show.



We were delighted to announce that the Marygate Wind Quintet played here at 1pm on Friday 9 March at the Watchtower and entertained us with music by Mozart and Nielson.


From 26 May until 8 June there was an exhibition of art produced by local school children to celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. Louisa lived at Ford Castle in Northumberland following the tragic death of her husband, Henry 3rd Marquis of Waterford in 1859. She resided there until her own death in 1891. She was a talented artist and left a lasting artistic legacy in the murals of the Lady Waterford Hall at Ford village as well as many other paintings now housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Royal collection. Not only was Lady Waterford a gifted artist but also a social reformer and philanthropist. She used her wealth and status to benefit the local community, both in Ireland during the famine and in Ford where she re-developed the village and built the school.


Currently an exhibition of early work by Ian Stephenson is hanging in the gallery and will eventually be available to the public.  It is a collection of collages made in 1959 while Ian was in Italy and London.  It is hoped that in due course the show will travel to other galleries in the country.  


This was a wonderful opportunity to hear these remarkable musicians right here in Berwick!  Not to be missed. 
